The DogTown Howler "Not Today Camp Fire 11/08/18" 100% Cotton T-Shirt available for a limited time. As a start-up newspaper in our community and as such, funds are limited-your purchase will help offset the costs of printing.
To offer this T-shirt at this price, we need a minimum of 100 orders. Payment will not be expected until just prior to sending in our order.
"Not Today Camp Fire..." Inspired by a scene in a TV series-when a child warrior was about to enter an impossible battle, one where death was nearly assured, her mentor asks as her as she is about to venture out-"What do we tell the gods of death?", she responds with, "Not Today", and goes on to survive.
There were several times on November 8th that I thought for sure, I was not going to make it out-each one of our community members fought a battle to survive that day. We each looked death in the face and said, Not Today.